Brand Story: Beyond Tea

Anyone that knows me with know I have a bit of an obsession with earl grey tea. I love it. Can’t get enough of the stuff.

So imagine my delight when Džeina and Sheryl from Beyond Tea contacted me about a brand storytelling shoot.

Beyond Tea is a brand new business, set up by two friends, who have a passion for tea and want to share it with the world.

Džeina and Sheryl really appreciate the power tea has to bring people together and want to make it as affordable as possible for people so that everyone can enjoy the wonders of a cup of tea.

It was really interesting to hear that as a new business sustainability is at the heart of what they do and they have made sure that their packaging is sustainable and environmentally friendly from the off.

We were lucky and got beautiful weather for the day of our shoot at the end of last month. Being outside for a lot of the shoot really reflected both of their love for nature and the outdoors.

Sheryl and Džeina are based in Warwickshire so it was nice to be able to incorporate a visit to my home town of Leamington Spa (and Warwick) for the shoot and we really had a lot of fun with different locations (that glasshouse was a dream!)

I hope you like the photos!

A brand storytelling session is such a great way to introduce your new business to you clients and help them to get to know you.

If you’re interested in booking one of these sessions you can contact me at


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